c# - How do I configue StructureMap to create a DbConnection -
i have code below entity framework context.
i using overloaded constructor inject in in memory database testing. works fine when use in mvc app need configure structuremap dbconnection. don't know how this
public class efcontext : dbcontext { //this can full blown connection string or if single string defaulting sql express public efcontext() : base("sqlexpresspaxiummusic") { } public efcontext(dbconnection connection) : base(connection, true) { } protected override void onmodelcreating(dbmodelbuilder modelbuilder) { database.setinitializer(new dbcontextinitialiser()); } public dbset<user> users { get; set; } } public static icontainer initialize() { objectfactory.configure(config => { config.scan(scan => { scan.thecallingassembly(); scan.withdefaultconventions(); }); config.for<iwebauthenticator>().use<webauthenticator>(); config.for<efcontext>().use<efcontext>(); config.for<iuserrepository>().use<userrepository>(); config.for<dbconnection>() ****what goes here**** ???? }); return objectfactory.container; }
you should tell structuremap efcontext
constructor want use. structuremap default use greediest constructor, is, 1 parameters, in case public efcontext(dbconnection connection)
. @ runtime, want specify constructor public efcontext()
, create dbconnection
config.for<efcontext>().use<efcontext>().selectconstructor(() => new efcontext());
as aside, use of objectfactory
deprecated, , recommended not use it. see http://structuremap.github.io/integrations/aspnet-mvc/ recommended way setup structuremap inside asp.net mvc application.
edit: use correct selectconstructor
syntax, because forgot...
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