python 2.7 - Can you play sound in windows while doing another task simultaneously? -

is there way while playing winsound.playsound("some sound", flags) change photolabel? i've been trying , no matter put play sound play sound before changing photo label.

my code:

def thriller(self):     winsound.playsound("thriller.wav", winsound.snd_nodefault)     img5 = imagetk.photoimage('thriller.jpg'))     self.photolabel.configure(image = img5)     self.photolabel.image = img5     self.original_board()  def original_board(self):     pil import image, imagetk     self.image ="board.jpg") = imagetk.photoimage(self.image)     self.photolabel.after(5000, lambda:    self.photolabel.configure( 

yes can. have play sound asynchronly. flag winsound.snd_async should work. if not help, can spawn winsound function in new thread (or in python better new process) such played @ same time image changes.

good luck!


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