adapter - android getChildView is not being called after notifyDataSetChanged -

i have expandablelistview , tried change childs that:

((subitem) adapter.getchild(i+1, 5)).setcount(unreadbox);  adapter.notifydatasetchanged(); 

here adapter class:

public class draweradapter extends baseexpandablelistadapter {  private context context; private list<item> items; private list<list<subitem>> subitems;  public draweradapter(context context, list<item> items, list<list<subitem>> subitems) {     this.context = context;     this.items = items;     this.subitems = subitems; }  @override public int getgroupcount() {     return items.size(); }  @override public int getchildrencount(int groupposition) {     return subitems.get(groupposition).size(); }  @override public object getgroup(int position) {     return items.get(position); }  @override public object getchild(int groupposition, int childposition) {     return subitems.get(groupposition).get(childposition); }  @override public long getgroupid(int position) {     return position; }  @override public long getchildid(int groupposition, int childposition) {     return childposition; }  @override public boolean hasstableids() {     return false; }  @override public view getgroupview(int groupposition, boolean isexpanded, view view, viewgroup viewgroup) {      item item = (item) getgroup(groupposition);      if (view == null) {         layoutinflater layoutinflater = (layoutinflater) context                 .getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service);         view = layoutinflater.inflate(r.layout.list_drawer_group, null);     }      imageview iconview = (imageview) view.findviewbyid(;     if (item.icondrawableid != null) {         iconview.setimageresource(item.icondrawableid);         iconview.setvisibility(view.visible);     } else {         iconview.setvisibility(view.gone);     }      textview groupheader = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;     groupheader.settext(item.title);     if (item.icondrawableid != null) {         groupheader.setpadding(             dimensionhelper.dptopixels(context, 4.0f), 0,             dimensionhelper.dptopixels(context, 16.0f), 0);     } else {         groupheader.setpadding(             dimensionhelper.dptopixels(context, 16.0f), 0,             dimensionhelper.dptopixels(context, 16.0f), 0);     }      imageview imageview = (imageview) view.findviewbyid(;     imageview.setimageresource(isexpanded ? r.drawable.ic_navigation_collapse : r.drawable.ic_navigation_expand);     imageview.setvisibility(getchildrencount(groupposition) > 0 ? view.visible : view.gone);      return view; }  @override public view getchildview(int groupposition, int childposition, boolean isexpanded, view view, viewgroup viewgroup) {      subitem subitem = (subitem) getchild(groupposition, childposition);      if (view == null) {         layoutinflater layoutinflater = (layoutinflater) context                 .getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service);         view = layoutinflater.inflate(r.layout.list_drawer_item, null);     }      textview colorpreview = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;     if (subitem.getcolor() != -1) {         colorpreview.setbackgroundcolor(subitem.getcolor());         colorpreview.setvisibility(view.visible);     } else {         colorpreview.setvisibility(view.gone);     }      imageview iconview = (imageview) view.findviewbyid(;     if (subitem.icondrawableid != null) {         iconview.setimageresource(subitem.icondrawableid);         iconview.setvisibility(view.visible);     } else {         iconview.setvisibility(view.gone);     }      textview title = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;     title.settext(subitem.title);      if (subitem.icondrawableid != null) {         title.setpadding(                 dimensionhelper.dptopixels(context, 4.0f), 0,                 dimensionhelper.dptopixels(context, 16.0f), 0);     } else {         title.setpadding(                 dimensionhelper.dptopixels(context, 40.0f), 0,                 dimensionhelper.dptopixels(context, 16.0f), 0);     }      textview counter = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;     counter.settext(string.valueof(subitem.count));     counter.setvisibility(subitem.count > 0 ? view.visible : view.gone);      return view; }  @override public boolean ischildselectable(int groupposition, int childposition) {     return true; }  public static class item {      protected string   title;     protected integer  icondrawableid;     protected listener listener;      public item(string title, integer icondrawableid, listener listener) {         this.title = title;         this.icondrawableid = icondrawableid;         this.listener = listener;     }      public listener getlistener() {         return listener;     }      public static interface listener {         public void onclick(fragmentmanager fragmentmanager);     } }  public static class subitem extends item {      protected long count;     protected int color;      public subitem(string title, integer icondrawableid, long count, int color, listener listener) {         super(title, icondrawableid, listener);         this.count = count;         this.color = color;     }      public long getcount() {         return count;     }      public void setcount(long count) {         this.count = count;     }      public int getcolor() {         return color;     }      public void setcolor(int color) {         this.color = color;     } } } 

notifydatasetchanged() method not working properly, getchildview being called not,please in order fix issue.

you changing value child item not setting inside of adapter.

subitem item = ((subitem) adapter.getchild(i+1, 5)).setcount(unreadbox); adapter.setchild(i+1,5,item); adapter.notifydatasetchanged(); 

add in adapter

@override public void setchild(int groupposition, int childposition,subitem item) {     subitems.get(groupposition).get(childposition) = item; } 


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