Unable to run LOOPS within Javascript Ruby on Rails View -
executive summary
question 1: value of providing local variables render, when can access instance objects in controller?
issue: can not run ruby loop within _error.js.erb file. goal of loop provide direct output $("#error_explanation") id regarding of
i able run various other jquery commands illustrated below.
i able run straight jquery commands leveraging ruby.
dear friends,
in create controller, within following:
format.js { render "_error.js.erb", locals: {post: @post, errors: @post.errors.messages} }
in view _error.js.erb, have 3 jquery queries, 2 of them work, third not work.
this works. $("#error_explanation").append('<%= j pluralize(post.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited secret being saved: <p>'); works. $("#error_explanation").append('<%= post.errors.full_messages_for(:title) %>'); not work. $("#error_explanation").append(' <% post.errors.messages.each |error| %> <%= j error %> <% end %>
i can assume because of loop? can not perform loops in javascript (js.erb) code?
resulted in error
actionview::template::error (undefined method `gsub' ["title can't blank", "subject can't blank"]:array): 5: <% end %> 6: 7: <% if post.errors.full_messages[1] %> 8: $("#error_explanation").append('<%= j(post.errors.full_messages.each {|n| n}) %>'); 9: <% end %> 10: $("#error_explanation").css("color", "red");
try with,
$("#error_explanation").append("<%= j(post.errors.full_messages.each{|msg| msg }) %>")
<%- str = "" %> <% if post.errors %> <% post.errors.full_messages.each |error| %> <% str+= error %> <% end %> <% end %> $("#error_explanation").append("<%= j str %>");
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