jquery - calling webservice asynch is delaying rendering webpage -

i making asynch call open weather api, rendering of rest of website waiting response. should not stopped asynch call.

 function getweather(coords, callback) {   $("#lw").val("retrieving weather report ...");     var url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather';     $.ajax({       datatype: "jsonp",       url: url,       timeout: 800,       async: true,       jsoncallback: 'jsonp',       data: { lat: coords[0], lon: coords[1],units:'metric',cnt:1},       cache: true,       success: function (data) {         callback(data);       }     });   }        var places = [         {           places: "blatten",           long: 7.8194,           lat: 46.4205,           weather: "api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=46.4205&lon=7.8194&units=metric&mode=json"         }       ];          (var place in places) {           var obj = places[place];           (function (place) {             coords = [place.lat, place.long]             getweather(coords, function(data) {               var html = [];               html.push('<div>')  var itemp =data.main.temp; itemp = itemp.tofixed(1);  var itemp_min =data.main.temp_min; itemp_min = itemp_min.tofixed(1);  var itemp_max =data.main.temp_max; itemp_max = itemp_max.tofixed(1);  var windnames = new array("north","north northeast","northeast","east northeast","east","east southeast", "southeast", "south southeast","south","south southwest","southwest","west southwest","west","west northwest","northwest","north northwest"); var windshortnames  = new array("n","nne","ne","ene","e","ese", "se", "sse","s","ssw","sw","wsw","w","wnw","nw","nnw"); var wnd  = windnames[math.round((data.wind.deg -11.25) / 22.5)]; var src = '/wetter/images/bg/' + data.weather[0].icon + '.png';      html.push('<p>current conditions ', data.name, ' @ low altitude: ');     html.push(' ', itemp + '  &#8451;', '  ');     html.push(' (min ', itemp_min + '  &#8451;', ' / ');     html.push(' max ', itemp_max + '  &#8451;', '), ');     html.push(' ', data.weather[0].description);     html.push(', cloud cover ', data.clouds.all, '%. ');     html.push('</div>')              });           }(obj));         }   


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