sql - TSQL Interleaved sequence without join operations or user defined objects -

is possible create interleaved sequence first , last values going in turns untill data set empty without using joins , user defined functions or procedures?

  code  type    model   price     1   hats    1298    700,00     1   shoes   1232    600,00     1   pants   1276    400,00     2   hats    1321    970,00     2   shoes   1121    850,00     2   pants   1433    270,00     3   hats    1750    1200,00     3   shoes   1233    600,00     3   pants   1434    290,00     4   hats    1298    1050,00     4   shoes   1121    850,00     4   pants   1401    150,00     5   hats    1752    1150,00     5   shoes   1121    850,00     5   pants   1408    270,00     6   hats    1298    950,00     6   shoes   1233    950,00     6   pants   1288    400,00     7   shoes   1232    400,00     8   shoes   1232    350,00     9   shoes   1232    350,00     10  shoes   1260    350,00     11  shoes   1233    980,00     12  shoes   1233    970,00 

i have added spaces between rows interleaved sequence idea.

you want odd values going lowest coded items (asc) , values highest coded items (desc). want order type hats,shoes , pants.

code type   model   price 1   hats    1298    700,00 1   shoes   1232    600,00 1   pants   1276    400,00  6   hats    1298    950,00 12  shoes   1233    970,00 6   pants   1288    400,00  2   hats    1321    970,00 2   shoes   1121    850,00 2   pants   1433    270,00  5   hats    1752    1150,00 11  shoes   1233    980,00 5   pants   1408    270,00  3   hats    1750    1200,00 3   shoes   1233    600,00 3   pants   1434    290,00  4   hats    1298    1050,00 10  shoes   1260    350,00 4   pants   1401    150,00  4   shoes   1121    850,00  9   shoes   1232    350,00  5   shoes   1121    850,00  8   shoes   1232    350,00  6   shoes   1233    950,00  7   shoes   1232    400,00 

right came solution includes joins looking work without using it.

my solution using joins:

with cteasc  (     select     row_number() over(order code,charindex(type, 'hatsshoespants'))id     ,(row_number() over(partition type order code,charindex(type, 'hatsshoespants')) + 1) / 2 offsetasc     ,code,model,price,type      mydata ), ctedsc  (     select     row_number() on (partition type order code desc)id     ,code,model,price,type     cteasc ) select t1.id ,case     when t1.code%2=1     lag(t1.type,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.type)over(partition t1.type order t1.id)     else lag(t2.type,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.type)over(partition t1.type order t1.id) end type ,case     when t1.code%2=1     lag(t1.model,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.model)over(partition t1.type order t1.id)     else lag(t2.model,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.model)over(partition t1.type order t1.id) end model ,case     when t1.code%2=1     lag(t1.price,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.price)over(partition t1.type order t1.id)     else lag(t2.price,t1.code-t1.offsetasc,t1.price)over(partition t1.type order t1.id) end price  cteasc t1 join ctedsc t2 on t1.code = t2.id , t1.type = t2.type 

the idea generate 2 sequences:

  1. the ascending items row numbers 1, 3, 5, ...
  2. the descending items row numbers 2, 4, 6, ...

then, need union all sequences , sort them.

with ascitems (     select *, row_number() on (order somecol asc) r * 2 - 1 r t ) , descitems (     select *, row_number() on (order somecol desc) r * 2 r t ) select * ascitems union select * descitems order r 

this should require table t available sorted twice (either index or 2xsorting). union all should manifest cheap merge concat.


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