mvc - Model binding for float fails -

i'm trying send window's position server. model binding top fails. action method below:

public void winclosed(window position) 

and window model:

public class window {     public decimal left { get; set; }     public double top { get; set; } } 

in picture can see sample values:

window's positioin

and javascript code:

var position = this.wrapper.offset(); $.post("@url.action("winclosed", "home")", position); 

the first line relative kendo window. i've tried double, , float types in model.

the decimal separator culture (fa-ir) / (forward slash) character. need replace . character / character. example

var offset = this.wrapper.offset(); var l = offset.left.tostring().replace('.', '/'); var t ='.', '/'); $.post("@url.action("winclosed", "home")", {left: l, top: t }); 


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