Handling day light savings across multiple time zones.- MS SQL Server -

i've been tasked handling import jobs in sql server based on various time zones. files arrive on windows server multiple regions example brazil, singapore, australia, various parts of u.s. , europe.

each file imported in sql tables multiple stored procedures. each stored procedure needs executed based on scheduled time according time zone related origin of file.

working set time proving tricky due fact each region adjusts day light saving @ different times of year. example uk moves it's clock forward day light saving, brazil may not move time forward 3 weeks (don't quote me on that, i've used times example purposes).

my question is; how can schedule jobs run on same server based on multiple time zones?

i can see may possible if create timezone lookup table in sql shows relationship between each time zone @ each stage of year seems quite cumbersome , take considerable amount of time populate table.

windows scheduler seems use date/time settings of local server , although adjust daylight saving, appropriate 1 region. has had handle in sql server before? or can recommend scheduling tool external sql server can initiate tasks based on different time zones?

any or advice appreciated.

you won't able transparently , easy configure single instance of sql server run several sets of tasks in different timezones, definition (the instance single, sets of tasks in same timezone).

you are, however, able write own script in language (for example, clr .net extension mssql or plain transact-sql), configured to following:

  1. iterate on list of each region want task run
  2. convert time of region server time , set action executed (via sp_schedule example).
  3. repeat next period.

this task should of course run @ +12 utc, making execute first on date (as time conveniently starts in japan).

implementing way pretty clear , reliable regardless of daylight savings, timezone updates , everything. make sure keep configuration of partners timezones date.


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