Trouble using Facebook login in Android project -

i'm trying use facebook login in app.

i've gone through except importing actual facebook sdk project.

where i'm encountering trouble after download sdk , move 'facebook' folder sdk folder project under 'libraries' folder. follow steps on facebook developers site updating dependencies etc.

after of this, can import com.facebook.facebooksdk;

so, think i'd able use login button @ point. apparently i'm wrong, because when try use button in layout file, see this:

enter image description here

when click 'open class', i'm given option 'attach sources' file. that, , choose 'facebook' facebook sdk download source.

after this, errors in .java file:

enter image description here

it seems expected parameters , actual arguments each of constructors above don't match.

i'm confused, appreciated.

the rendering problem designer issue that's fixed in latest release 4.2.0. without fix, app run. check out samples come sdk see how works.


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