shell - ArangoDB Exceptions -

i running commands in tutorial, , noticed kept getting exceptions didn't seem part of normal operation of shell.


arangosh [_system]> db._update(doc, { somevalue: 42 }); 


javascript exception in file 'c:/program files/arangodb 2.5.4/share/arangodb/js/ client/modules/org/arangodb/arango-database.js' @ 789,11: [arangoerror 1200: pr econdition failed]  !    throw new arangoerror(requestresult); !          ^ stacktrace: error     @ arangodatabase._update (c:/program files/arangodb 2.5.4/share/arangodb/js /client/modules/org/arangodb/arango-database.js:789:11)      @ <shell command>:1:4 

this happens, if try update revision of document has been updated.

for example:

arangosh [_system]> d1 ={ value: 1 }) {    "_id" : "test/41839385817",    "_rev" : "41839385817",    "_key" : "41839385817"  } 

creates new document.

arangosh [_system]> d2 = db._update(d1, { value: 2 }) {    "_id" : "test/41839385817",    "_rev" : "41840762073",    "_key" : "41839385817"  } 

if try update original revision of document, error:

arangosh [_system]> db._update(d1, { value: 3 }) javascript exception in file '/usr/local/cellar/arangodb/head/share/arangodb/js/client/modules/org/arangodb/arango-database.js' @ 790,11: [arangoerror 1200: precondition failed] !    throw new arangoerror(requestresult); !          ^ stacktrace: error     @ arangodatabase._update (/usr/local/cellar/arangodb/head/share/arangodb/js/client/modules/org/arangodb/arango-database.js:790:11)     @ <shell command>:1:4 

because revision of document no longer valid.


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