php - Javascript variable and smarty -

i trying javascript smarty , using javascript variable , checking if value contained within smarty array.

below code have

    if ([i].application === selectedapplication || {if isset($applications) && $applications|@count > 0} true {else} false {/if}) {     {if not isset($applications)}        $("#cboapplications").append("<option selected value=\""[i].id+"\">"[i].application+"</option>");     {else}        {if '9'|in_array:$applications}        console.log("id " + id + " in array");        $("#cboapplications").append("<option selected value=\""[i].id+"\">"[i].application+"</option>");     {else}        console.log("id " + id + " not in array");        $("#cboapplications").append("<option value=\""[i].id+"\">"[i].application+"</option>");     {/if} {/if} } 

the issue having {if '9'|in_array:$applications}. @ moment i've hardcoded value instead of using javascript variable test same results.

below array looks when printed inside smarty

array (   0 => '9', ) 

there multiple values in list box cboapplications have value of 8, 5, 6, 9 , 10.

for reason, though 9 in $applications array, console.log acting if every single item inside array, not 9.

thanks can provide.

you have use {literal} in smarty javascript. example:

{literal} <script type="text/javascript">     document.write("{/literal}{$text}{literal}"); </script> {/literal} 

for more information, see smarty documentation.


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