objective c - how to communicate between Native iOS custom plugin with Cordova 3.8 index.html via javascript in a phone gap application? -

i have referred many links maintaining bridge between ios custom plugin cordova index.html file using


and referred : ios javascript bridge

but want maintain direct connection myplugin index.html.can suggest me better way implement this.

i have created myplugin.js , myplugin.h , myplugin.m classes update location every 10sec. want send these (latitude , longitude parameters)from myplugin.m(ios plugin class) index.html class arguments

my plugin.js

           //mybutton1            function myplugin() {}             myplugin.prototype.sayhellocustom = function(data,data2) {             exec(function(result){                 alert('succescallback :' + result);}, //1.success callbal                 function(error){alert("error" + error);   }, // 2.error call                 "myplugin",                               //3.native plugin calss name                 "sayhellocustom",                        //4.method name in myplugin.m                  [{                  "requestid":data,                  "servicename":data2   //5. optional argurments array                  }]                          );            }             var myplugin = new myplugin();            module.exports = myplugin            }); 


- (void)sayhellocustom:(cdvinvokedurlcommand*)command    {       if(!isupdatinglocation == yes){           [self startupdatinglocation];         }   if ([cllocationmanager locationservicesenabled]) {     // find current location     [self->locationmanager startmonitoringsignificantlocationchanges];     //rest of code... }       bgtask =0;      app = [uiapplication sharedapplication];      bgtask = [app beginbackgroundtaskwithexpirationhandler:^{     [app endbackgroundtask:bgtask]; }]; //110 timer = [nstimer          scheduledtimerwithtimeinterval:10.0          target:self          selector:@selector(timercountdown:)          userinfo:nil          repeats:yes];   str =[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",[nsdate date]];  nsstring *responsestring = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"hello %@", [command.arguments objectatindex:0]];   cdvpluginresult* pluginresult = [cdvpluginresult resultwithstatus:cdvcommandstatus_ok messageasstring:responsestring]; [self.commanddelegate sendpluginresult:pluginresult callbackid:command.callbackid]; 


   -(void)timercountdown:(cdvinvokedurlcommand*)command{        [self->locationmanager setdesiredaccuracy:kcllocationaccuracybest];       [self->locationmanager setdistancefilter:kcldistancefilternone];    }//to update location 

this solved issue callback javascript objective c class:

   - (void) sayhellocustom:(cdvinvokedurlcommand*)command    {      nsstring *methodname;     nsstring * requestidstr;     nsdictionary* options = [[nsdictionary alloc]init];  if ([command.arguments count] > 0) {     options = [command argumentatindex:0];     requestidstr = [options objectforkey:@"requestid"];     methodname =[options objectforkey:@"callback"];  }   dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{     cdvpluginresult* pluginresult = [cdvpluginresult resultwithstatus:cdvcommandstatus_ok messageasstring:@"12"];     [pluginresult setkeepcallbackasbool:true];       [self.commanddelegate sendpluginresult:pluginresult callbackid:command.callbackid];       //this helps call requires javascript method objective c class    /* here echo jsonstring :  {"latitude":"78.431091",                                   "network":"true",                                   "response":"100",                                   "requestid":"trackme-262",                                   "longitude":"17.462852"}*/       nsstring * jscallback = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@(%@);", methodname, echo];//methodname(argument)           [self.webview stringbyevaluatingjavascriptfromstring:jscallback];//this calls required method      });    } 

now callback method input executing perfectly


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