Converting php code to Symfony class -

i using simple php code activexpert send sms here intersting part

<?php if(isset($_post["submit1"])) { $_objsmsprotocolgsm = new com("activexperts.smsprotocolgsm"); ... } ?> 

it working fine when tried insert controller in symfony error

attempted load class "com" namespace "pfe\siivtbundle\controller" in c:\program files (x86)\easyphp-devserver-14.1vc11\data\localweb\symfony2.5\src\pfe\siivtbundle\controller\siivtcontroller.php line 835. need "use" namespace?

while php code simple , doesnt include or require other files

error message self-explanatory. com class doesn't exist in pfe\siivtbundle\controller namespace (which current namespace in controller class).


new \com("activexperts.smsprotocolgsm"); 

the backslash before classname means we're looking class in global namespace


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