unity3d - opencv (emgucv) not working in unity in osx? -

i @ point, want know if anybody out there has emgucv.unity running inside unity in osx?

there many tips concerning dllnotfoundexceptions , unity. of them not work in case. spent allmost 4 days searching , trying out everything.

the exact error is:

system.typeinitializationexception: exception thrown type initializer emgu.cv.ocr.ocrinvoke ---> system.typeinitializationexception: exception thrown type initializer emgu.cv.cvinvoke ---> system.dllnotfoundexception: assets/plugins/emgucv.bundle/contents/macos/libopencv_core.3.0.0.dylib @ (wrapper managed-to-native) emgu.cv.cvinvoke:cvredirecterror (emgu.cv.cvinvoke/cverrorcallback,intptr,intptr) @ emgu.cv.cvinvoke..cctor () [0x001f7] in /users/lev/documents/workspace/text_scanner/assets/emgu.cv/emgu.cv/pinvoke/cvinvoke.cs:353 --- end of inner exception stack trace --- @ emgu.cv.ocr.ocrinvoke..cctor () [0x00006] in /users/lev/documents/workspace/text_scanner/assets/emgu.cv/emgu.cv.ocr/ocrinvoke.cs:26 --- end of inner exception stack trace --- @ emgu.cv.ocr.tesseract..ctor () [0x00011] in /users/lev/documents/workspace/text_scanner/assets/emgu.cv/emgu.cv.ocr/tesseract.cs:45

(there emgucv.bundle in assets/plugins/ libopencv_core.3.0.0.dylib inside @ correct position. copied dylibs , whole bundle alle possible positions. including project folder, unity-editor folder, ...)

there no compilition error. error happens after starting play in editor , in standallone mac well. built emgucv cmake settings in emgucv.unity emgucv 3.0.0.

(i tried opencvsharp did not work neither)

i desperate. please me or tell me, there no way. in advance, lev

it works!

this is, how got work:

  1. do instructed here until cmake command (don't cmake) http://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/download_and_installation#osx
  2. instead do:
    1. cd platforms/osx/
    2. ./configure_universal
    3. ./makebundle
    4. cd ../../emgu.cv.unity/
    5. ./copy_unity_assets
    6. ./copy_demo_assets
  3. then copy folder emgu.cv.unity workspace ,
  4. open unity project.

that me :-)

cheers, lev


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