How to plot a marker away from another marker by 100 metres in Mapbox Leaflet? -

i trying plot marker using leaflet , marker away the first 1 100 metres. plotting marker easy:

var marker = l.marker([0, 0]).addto(map); 

but how plot marker away 1 100 metres? there way convert metres long , lat , plotting it? or there better way not aware of?

i've forked fiddle show example. it's based on these answers:

var r = 100/111300 // = 100 meters   , y0 = original_lat   , x0 = original_lng   , u = math.random()   , v = math.random()   , w = r * math.sqrt(u)   , t = 2 * math.pi * v   , x = w * math.cos(t)   , y1 = w * math.sin(t)   , x1 = x / math.cos(y0)  newy = y0 + y1 newx = x0 + x1 
