node.js - return part of the doc using $or in mongoose mongodb -

user.find({         $or:[             {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i') }},             {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i') }},             {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i') }},             {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i') }},             {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i') }},             {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i') }}         ]     }, function(err, doc) {         if( err ){             console.log( err );         }         return doc;     }); 

the above query fetches user email or name matches searched criteria. expected returns entire doc of user found.. on mongodb site demonstrate use of projection limit fields of doc returned, eg:

db.inventory.find( { type: 'food' }, { item: 1, qty: 1, _id:0 } ) 

is possible combine $or mongoose projection option of mongo, or post processing option?

you should able pass object find , use projections

user.find({     $or:[         {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i')         }},         {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i') }},         {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i') }},         {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i') }},         {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i') }},         {'': { $regex: new regexp( searchterm ,'i') }}     ] }, {<projection goes here>},  function(err, doc) {     if( err ){         console.log( err );     }     return doc; }); 



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