How to supress invalid type for Teradata Insert? -

when inserting data 1 table , teradata performs automatic type cast. example if 1 inserts varchar date field , teradata cast varchar date. , works perfect if varchars valid date strings.

however, when teradata encounters varchar not valid date, unable cast , shows error . how can force dirty insert ? want teradata insert null if it's unable cast (silently ignoring errors)

is there way ?

you can try using calendar table. of depend on structure of data, basically:

insert <your destination table>     select     <t1.columns>, t2.calendar_date      <your table> t1     left join sys_calendar.calendar t2       on t1.<your character date column> = cast (cast(t2.calendar_date          date format 'yyyy-mm-dd') char(10)) 

the formatting depend on column looks like.

instead of inserting column source table, insert calendar_date column calendar table. if date in source table invalid, you'll insert null.


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