Iterate JSON Response with Javascript / JQuery -

i have following json response trying iterate javascript :-

{     "documentresponseresults": [         {             "name": "example1",             "id": "1"         },         {             "name": "example2",             "id": "2"         },         {             "name": "example3",             "id": "3"         }     ] } 

i've tested makes sure valid json using online validator.

i'm receiving via response webmethod in

in response looks this:-


i'm trying iterate items in json string.

i started off parsing :-

var jsondata = json.parse(response.d); 

i've tried iterate array of objects accessing items collection, javascript informs me items property undefined.

can advise how iterate collection, , pull out properties such "name" & "id"

jsondata.documentresponseresults.foreach(function(result) {   console.log( }); 


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