c - Code::Blocks 13.12 error - program has stopped working -

i using codeblocks 13.12. have made program following question:-

evaluate function 0.0001% accuracy. sinx = x - (x^3/3!) + (x^5/5!) - .....

it gives error after enter value of x. says "accuracyofsinx.exe has stopped working".

#include<stdio.h>  #include<conio.h>    #define accuracy 0.000001  int main()  {  int n, num, mulx, fac, rem;  float x,term, sum;    printf("enter x = ");  scanf("%f", &x);  num=1;  sum=0;  mulx=1;  for(n=1, term=1; term>accuracy ; n++)  {   fac=num;      {    num=num-1;    fac=fac*num;                                /*finds factorial*/    mulx=mulx*x;                                /*computes x raised num*/    }   while(fac>0);   term = 1/fac;   num=num+2;   rem=n%2;                                        if(rem==0)                                   /* -ve sign given position*/    sum = sum-(mulx/fac);   if(rem!=0)                                   /* +ve sign given odd position*/    sum = sum+(mulx/fac);   mulx = x;  }  printf("sin(x)=%f", sum);  }

the main problem lies here:

 term = 1/fac; 

it case of division zero. printed value of fac before statement, , prints 0 before accuracy.exe stops working.

the main reason fac going 0

 num=num-1;  fac=fac*num;  

to prevent this, add if condition check value of num before using calculating fac.


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