ios - ReactiveCocoa: How to prevent RACSignal from being executed twice in parallel? -

in app use reactivecocoa , afnetworking-extension api-calls. each api-endpoint have method starting api-request , returning racsignal.

with results of api-calls populate uitableviews.

there multiple events, result in reloading/refreshing view per api-request:

  • at launch of application
  • viewdidappear in every tab
  • when user uses pulltorefresh
  • when app decides new data @ anytime

how can prevent, new api-requests executed before executing request same endpoint has finished?

i know, can use "throttle" throttle user-inputs tap-events. mentioned there several occasions can start new api-request.

i work flags, set when starting request , resetted in "completed"-block.

but there built-in methods in reactivecocoa use instead of?

as @jakub-vanu mention raccommand friend here.

you can have raccommand returns signal sends results of network request next events.

let apifetchcommand: raccommand = raccommand(signalblock: { [weak self](object: anyobject!) -> racsignal! in     return self.fetchsignal() })  

then if want signal sends next events come commmand can user executionsignals property on raccommand.

let fetchedresultssignal: racsignal = self.apifetchcommand.executionsignals.switchtolatest() 

this signal can used listen results command.

raccommands have property called allowsconcurrentexecution defaulted false. means command not fire if signal returns has not yet completed.

then execute command call



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