c# - Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network -

my website www.hashgurus.com

this hosted on windows 2008 r2. google site health suggests following:

enable compression compressing resources gzip or deflate can reduce number of bytes sent on network.

i checked iis settingenter image description here

and static compression enabled.

google asks me following:

compressing http://hashgurus.com/js/jquery-ui.min.js save 163.1kib (73% reduction). compressing http://hashgurus.com/css/style.css save 98.6kib (83% reduction). compressing http://hashgurus.com/js/jquery-2.1.0.min.js save 53kib (64% reduction). compressing http://hashgurus.com/background/gallery3b.aspx?page=1&q= save 51.4kib (91% reduction).

is there else should doing other this. please note want website rather doing websites in server.

enabling compression on iis

open iis manager , navigate level want manage.

in features view, double-click compression.

on compression page, select box next enable dynamic content compression.

click apply in actions pane.

in addition above - not file types compressed default. need edit system.webserver/httpcompression configuration .

once change config, need recycle application-pool changes httpcompression picked iis.

iis7 reference static , dynamic compression link1


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