xml - Removing navigation buttons for SCO package -

the lms automatically displays prev, next , close buttons. can hide these buttons , here tells it. didn't find example of how do. approach handle this?


... other source indicates pieces job. adding these bits manifest file;

<sequencing> <controlmode choice="false" choiceexit="false" flow="true" /> </sequencing> 

will solve problem.

i posted answer did not go well. seems choice property lms still show these. flash content goes , forward , not want display buttons. how can hide nav buttons?

try out on item after title.

<adlnav:presentation>      <adlnav:navigationinterface>         <adlnav:hidelmsui>continue</adlnav:hidelmsui>         <adlnav:hidelmsui>previous</adlnav:hidelmsui>      </adlnav:navigationinterface>  </adlnav:presentation> 


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