algorithm - Dividing to groups based on preferences using dynamic programming -
i need design algoritm divide n students 2 groups based on preferences (preference of 1 group, both or none) match preferences as can , divided equally both of groups. should o(n^3) using dynamic programming.
so thought algorithm should iterate through n/2 students , choose preference, rest done. depends on order of choosing n/2 students, don't know if way. if give me hint, thanks.
i should o(n^3) using dynamic programming.
overkill. pick student strongest preference , put him group wants in. repeat until @ least 1 group has reached n/2 students. sorting students strength of preference @ outset o(n log n), rest o(n).
if students don't have preference strengths (we try satisfy greatest number of them), can done in o(n) total time.
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