python - Raise an exception with traceback starting from caller -

i'm trying make automated test framework side-project , use creating assertion checks.

running in python...


gives this...

traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 1, in <module>     assert(false) assertionerror 

as can see traceback lowest level assert(false). made custom assert prints when assert succeeds.

def custom_assert(condition):     if condition:         print("yay! werks!")     else:         raise exception("nay, don't werks...")  custom_assert(false) 

but instead of assert gives, custom_assert gives me this.

traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 14, in <module>     custom_assert(false)   file "", line 12, in custom_assert     raise exception("nay, don't werks...") exception: nay, don't werks... 

which of course default behavior. useful 99.9999% of time, 1 time improved. it's not useful know method called raise error when condition false raised error.

how can make custom_assert raise exception traceback starting caller, same way assert does?

p.s.: don't want print it, want exception have modified traceback works debuggers , other tools too!


to clarify, traceback want this.

traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 14, in <module>     custom_assert(false) exception: nay, don't werks... 

essentially want similar this:

tb = none try:     raise exception('foo') except exception:     tb = sys.exc_info()[2]  tb.tb_frame = tb.tb_frame.f_back # line doesn't work raise exception('nay doesnt werks').with_traceback(tb) 

but can't assign tb_frame, , mucking around in cpython code, c-generated data structures (not python) (see sys._getframe()) option left mock entire machinery , convince python use stack. looks jinja2 doing. if that's choose do, luck! (it's out of scope @ point)


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