php - Is it possible multi-database call for YII2 or LARAVEL 5 -

i'm developing big project using yii framework ( mysql database engine ). i'm preparing continue developing rest part of project migrating yii2 or laravel 5. in question i'm not asking 1 frameworks better, because clear there no unambiguous answer , better if try both self. because rest part related archiving data , generating reports on archives me important question if 1 of these frameworks lets multi-database calls in 1 query - sample below:

select * database01.table1 t1, database02.table2 t2 t1.id1=t2.id2; 

and if possible prefer if can done without orms light research i've done understood yii2 possible, using active records - it's orm implementation. sadly laravel 5 can't find answer - have feeling can, feeling looking on samples. please give me advice! , 1 more time - i'm not asking advice 1 framework better, because i'm preparing test them self. happy yii , of course i'll extend yii2, i'm reading larvel great, choice 1 first 1 , learn , try along completing current project. in advance!

laravel allows direct database queries.

for example, $results = db::select('select * database01.table1 t1, database02.table2 t2 t1.id1=t2.id2'); execute sample query , give array of results.


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