python - Using urllib2 to fetch internet resources, get http 402 error -

i tried use urllib2 fetch zip file subtitle website.

the example website , tried download file

i tested in script , print url. url fine. copied , pasted in web browser , download successfully.

at first, script looked this:

    try:         f = urllib2.urlopen(example_url)         something...     except urlerror, e:         print e.code 

but got 403 error code. after searching, tried change header {'user-agent': 'mozilla/5.0'}. code changed to:

    try:         req = urllib2.request(example_url,headers={'user-agent': 'mozilla/5.0'})         f = urllib2.urlopen(req)         something...     except urlerror, e:         print e.code 

then got 402 error. wondering because of website setting or because error in code?

i try with:

urllib.urlretrieve(url, outname) 

as trying download file rather open it.


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