javascript - Full page size background image -

i have background image html page. set through css style:-

html{      margin-top:10px;     background: url(xxxxx.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;      background-size: cover; } 

i want know how can change dynamically javascript side.

i have tried like:

document.getelementbyid("html").style.backgroundimage = "url('yyy.jpg')"; 

but doesn't change image.

without using jquery, how can access html element , change bkimage, every 5 seconds make slideshow. (i storing image urls in array).

the background image not tied html tag body tag. try:

body {    background-image: url(xxxxx.jpg);  } 

and script:

document.getelementsbytagname("body")[0].style.backgroundimage = "url('zzzzz.jpg')"; 

if works expected (you see zzzzz.jpg, not xxxxx.jpg) you're ready fix rest of css code.

edit: tested code , fixed bug. must assign backgroundimage = "url('zzzzz.jpg')", not filename i've written before.

as example, works perfectly, need 2 images (red.jpg , blue.jpg):

<html>   <head>     <style>       body       {          background-image: url('red.jpg');       }     </style>   </head>   <body>     <script>       document.getelementsbytagname("body")[0].style.backgroundimage = "url('blue.jpg')";     </script>   </body> </html> 

edit 2:

the rest of css must not change, you'll still have:

body {   margin-top: 10px;   background: url('xxxxx.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed;   background-size: cover; } 

the background property compound:

  background: url('xxxxx.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed;               ^                ^         ^      ^               url              r         h      v    url: image url   r: repetition   h: horizontal alignment   v: vertical alignment 


background-image: url('xxxxx.jpg') 

you change url part of above compound, leaving rest was. if image small might stretched cover whole screen. slide show sure images have same size.


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