swift - Check array of optionals for nil -

i have number of optionals , efficiently check see if of them nil.


if contains([optional1, optional2, optional3], nil) { /* foo */ } 

but swift won't let me this. (type 's.generator.element -> l' not conform protocol 'nilliteralconvertible')

and optionals can't anyobjects can't cast nsarray either (to use .containsobject).

i write loop seems bad style. suggestions?

there 2 contains() functions:

func contains<s : sequencetype s.generator.element : equatable>(seq: s, x: s.generator.element) -> bool func contains<s : sequencetype, l : booleantype>(seq: s, predicate: @noescape (s.generator.element) -> l) -> bool 

the first 1 takes element second argument, requires elements conform equatable protocol, not case optionals.

the second 1 takes predicate second argument, , can used here:

let optarray : [int?] = [1, nil, 2] if contains(optarray, { $0 == nil } ) {  } 

but solution must traverse array until nil element found, above solution may better readable not more efficient for-loop.


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