multithreading - how to call "join()" method of one thread in another function in C++? -

i created 2 thread in main function.and call "join()" method on 1 of thread in another.

how call ??

i running "connect" , "sender" 2 call "join()" method on "connect" thread inside "void clientsocket::sender()" method.

is possible call??

these code snippets ran 2 threads.

int  clientsocket::connect()  {     isconnected = connect(clientsock,      (lpsockaddr)&serverinfo,sizeof(serverinfo));      return isconnected; }  void clientsocket::sender() {      if (isconnected == 0)     { send(clientsock, readbuffer.str().c_str(), strlen((char *)readbuffer.str().c_str()), 0);      } } 

define thread handlers outside of functions, i.e define them global. available anywhere , can call join method of both in other functions.
