ios - Send a text message directly via an IBAction (Objective-C) -

how send text message (using mfmessagecomposeviewcontroller) directly via ibaction? like, when button pressed, text message sent preset number, , no keyboard shows or anything. alert saying "sms sent successfully," example.

all coding done, except "direct sending-function".

well, can't technically "auto-send" message, because require user confirmation go through.

you can, however, set message's contents , recipient(s) using mfmessagecomposeviewcontroller (quite mouthful) , display dialog require 1 tap send.

to have access dialog, you'll have #import <messageui/messageui.h> , add mfmessagecomposeviewcontrollerdelegate view controller declaration in header file.

then, can write ibaction. first, want check device can send messages text content using cansendtext. then, you'll create view controller, populate data, , present dialog.

- (ibaction)sendmessage:(uibutton *)sender {     if([mfmessagecomposeviewcontroller cansendtext]) {         mfmessagecomposeviewcontroller *messagecontroller = [[mfmessagecomposeviewcontroller alloc] init]; // create message vc         messagecontroller.messagecomposedelegate = self; // set delegate current instance          nsmutablearray *recipients = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; // create array hold recipients         [recipients addobject:@"555-555-5555"]; // append example phone number array         messagecontroller.recipients = recipients; // set recipients of message created array          messagecontroller.body = @"example message"; // set initial text example message          dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ // present vc when possible             [self presentviewcontroller:messagecontroller animated:yes completion:null];         });     } } 

one last thing: have implement delegate method tell message view controller dismiss when user presses "cancel" in send dialog:

- (void)messagecomposeviewcontroller:(mfmessagecomposeviewcontroller *)controller didfinishwithresult:(messagecomposeresult)result {     [self dismissviewcontrolleranimated:yes completion:null]; } 


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