objective c - I don't know what's missing in my code. It says "Expected identifier or '('" -

i don't know what's missing in code. says "expected identifier or '('" please help. these lines have error.

#import "viewcontroller.m"  { - (bool)textfieldshouldreturn:(uitextfield *)textfield;     nslog(self.mytextfield.text)     [self.mytextfield resignfirstresponder];     return yes; }  @end 

first, #import header (.h) files, not source (.m) files. so, first line should be:

#import "viewcontroller.h" 

normally, such import near top of source file. method definition follows has inside of @implementation, appear between imports , method definitions. so, should add line like:

@implementation viewcontroller 

the @end @ bottom of code snippet corresponds @implementation.

then, seem have swapped method signature line , line opening brace method. have:

    {     - (bool)textfieldshouldreturn:(uitextfield *)textfield; 

when should have:

    - (bool)textfieldshouldreturn:(uitextfield *)textfield;     { 

you don't need semicolon (;) on end of line, it's harmless.

finally, statement call nslog() incomplete because needs terminated semicolon:


perhaps accidentally typed semicolon meant line on line above, explain extraneous semicolon there.


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