android - Thread to initiate thread creation in a service -

i want create executor fixed pool of 3 threads inside service.

those 3 threads work according data on sqlite db.

is there way tell threads "call" method on service tell him, "a thread done, can pull data db , start new thread"

that way can manipulate db , next threads act accordingly.

all managed fill queue data have on db, , way wont react changes on db cause pulled data

edit: code better understanding

public class mediadownloadservice extends service {     public int onstartcommand(intent intent, int flags, int startid) {     executor = new threadpoolexecutor(2,3,3000,timeunit.milliseconds,new linkedblockingqueue<runnable>());     //initiale start of new threads (first run) }  public void startnewthread(){     if(helper.requestsexists()){         map<integer,string> requestmap = helper.getrequeststoexcute(0);         set<integer> keyset = requestmap.keyset();         iterator<integer> iterator = keyset.iterator();         executor.submit(new mythread(file, getapplicationcontext(), iteratornext), 1);     }else{         executor.shutdown();         this.stopself();     } } 

and thread himself:

public class mythread implements runnable {  private file _file; private context context; private dbhelper helper; private int requestid;  public mythread(file file, context context, int requestid) {     this._file = file;     this.context = context;     this.requestid = requestid; }  @override public void run() {         // thread work here          helper.deleterequest(requestid);// remove db prevent infinite loop          // question         mediadownloadservice.startnewthread();// ??? can done      } catch (ioexception e) {         log.e("callable try", post.tostring());      } } 

of course dont want static, there other way it?

i think have misconceptions here: executor.submit() not accept thread, runnable. put runnable queue , possibly (after time) assign thread perform actions specified runnable. whole executor exists not have thread creation, management , task scheduling yourself.

the threadpoolexecutor implements queueing funtionality trying implement. 1 solution submit tasks executor come in. executor queue them , schedule them available threads.

also note there's asynctask.execureonexecutor() gives possibility have onpostexecute() running on main thread.

and please, rename mythread , startnewthread() else. former not thread, task , latter submits work executor.
