javascript - Change node color depending on status -

i working on below fiddle -

var d3cola = cola.d3adaptor().convergencethreshold(0.1);    var width = 960, height = 700;    var outer ="body").append("svg")         .attr({ width: width, height: height, "pointer-events": "all" });        outer.append('rect')         .attr({ class: 'background', width: "100%", height: "100%" })         .call(d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom", function(d) {            vis.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")" + " scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");         }));    var vis = outer        .append('g')        .attr('transform', 'translate(250,250) scale(0.3)');         outer.append('svg:defs').append('svg:marker')           .attr({                  id: 'end-arrow',                  viewbox: '0 -5 10 10',                  refx: 8,                  markerwidth: 6,                  markerheight: 6,                  orient: 'auto'              })            .append('svg:path')              .attr({                  d: 'm0,-5l10,0l0,5l2,0',                  'stroke-width': '0px',                  fill: '#000'});        //    .data(["approve", "reject"]);            	     var nodes = [         { "nodes": "initiate"},  { "nodes": "update comments of requestor"},  { "nodes": "send requestor"},  { "nodes": "update comments of fa rejection"},  { "nodes": "finance approves"},  { "nodes": "update comments of fa"},  { "nodes": "update comments of rm rejection"},  { "nodes": "reporting manager approves"},  { "nodes": "update comments of rm"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on bill rm"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on bill after wf complete"},  { "nodes": "send notification requestor"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on form finance"},  { "nodes": "wf completed permissions on attachments"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on bill requestor rejected rm"},  { "nodes": "move bill tracking no folder-2"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on form requestor rejected rm"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on attachments"},  { "nodes": "set permissions-tracking no. folder"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on bill"},  { "nodes": "move bill tracking no folder-1"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on bill requestor"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on form requestor rejected fa"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on form reporting manager"},  { "nodes": "move bill tracking no folder"},  { "nodes": "wf completed permissions on form"},  { "nodes": "end"}  		];    var edges = [    { "source_name": "update comments of requestor",     "target_name": "move bill tracking no folder-1",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 1,  "target": 21},  { "source_name": "send requestor",     "target_name": "update comments of requestor",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 16,  "target": 1},  { "source_name": "update comments of fa rejection",     "target_name": "set permissions on form requestor rejected fa",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 8,  "target": 6},  { "source_name": "finance approves",     "target_name": "update comments of fa rejection",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 17,  "target": 8},  { "source_name": "update comments of fa",     "target_name": "wf completed permissions on form",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 13,  "target": 9},  { "source_name": "finance approves",     "target_name": "update comments of fa",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 17,  "target": 13},  { "source_name": "update comments of rm rejection",     "target_name": "set permissions on form requestor rejected rm",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 24,  "target": 10},  { "source_name": "reporting manager approves",     "target_name": "update comments of rm rejection",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 19,  "target": 24},  { "source_name": "update comments of rm",     "target_name": "set permissions on bill",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 11,  "target": 18},  { "source_name": "reporting manager approves",     "target_name": "update comments of rm",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 19,  "target": 11},  { "source_name": "set permissions on bill rm",     "target_name": "reporting manager approves",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 12,  "target": 19},  { "source_name": "set permissions on bill after wf complete",     "target_name": "end",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 22,  "target": 2},  { "source_name": "send notification requestor",     "target_name": "finance approves",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 23,  "target": 17},  { "source_name": "set permissions on form finance",     "target_name": "send notification requestor",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 5,  "target": 23},  { "source_name": "wf completed permissions on attachments",     "target_name": "set permissions on bill after wf complete",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 15,  "target": 22},  { "source_name": "set permissions on bill requestor rejected rm",     "target_name": "move bill tracking no folder-2",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 4,  "target": 25},  { "source_name": "move bill tracking no folder-2",     "target_name": "send requestor",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "dormant",  "source": 25,  "target": 16},  { "source_name": "set permissions on form requestor rejected rm",     "target_name": "set permissions on bill requestor rejected rm",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 10,  "target": 4},  { "source_name": "set permissions on attachments",     "target_name": "set permissions on form reporting manager",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 20,  "target": 26},  { "source_name": "set permissions-tracking no. folder",     "target_name": "set permissions on attachments",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 0,  "target": 20},  { "source_name": "initiate",     "target_name": "set permissions-tracking no. folder",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 14,  "target": 0},  { "source_name": "set permissions on bill",     "target_name": "move bill tracking no folder",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 18,  "target": 3},  { "source_name": "move bill tracking no folder-1",     "target_name": "set permissions on form reporting manager",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 21,  "target": 26},  { "source_name": "set permissions on bill requestor",     "target_name": "send requestor",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "dormant",  "source": 7,  "target": 16},  { "source_name": "set permissions on form requestor rejected fa",     "target_name": "set permissions on bill requestor",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "dormant",  "source": 6,  "target": 7},  { "source_name": "set permissions on form reporting manager",     "target_name": "set permissions on bill rm",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "pending",  "source": 26,  "target": 12},  { "source_name": "move bill tracking no folder",     "target_name": "set permissions on form finance",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "pending",  "source": 3,  "target": 5},  { "source_name": "wf completed permissions on form",     "target_name": "wf completed permissions on attachments",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "pending",  "source": 9,  "target": 15}    		];    	d3cola         .avoidoverlaps(true)         .convergencethreshold(1e-3)         .flowlayout('x', 150)         .size([width, height])         .nodes(nodes)         .links(edges)         .jaccardlinklengths(150);    var link = vis.selectall(".link")               .data(edges)               .enter().append("path")              // .attr("class", "link")               .attr("class", function(d) { return "link " + d.type; });    var margin = 10, pad = 12;  var node = vis.selectall(".node")              .data(nodes)              .enter().append("rect")              .classed("node", true)              .attr({ rx: 5, ry: 5 })              .call(d3cola.drag);    var label = vis.selectall(".label")              .data(nodes)              .enter().append("text")              .attr("class", "label")              .text(function (d) { return d.nodes; })              .call(d3cola.drag)              .each(function (d) {                      var b = this.getbbox();                      var = 2 * margin + 2 * pad;                      d.width = b.width + extra;                      d.height = b.height + extra;               });    var linefunction = d3.svg.line()                  .x(function (d) { return d.x; })                  .y(function (d) { return d.y; })                  .interpolate("linear");    var routeedges = function () {             d3cola.prepareedgerouting();             link.attr("d", function (d) {                   return linefunction(d3cola.routeedge(d));             });                  if (isie()) link.each(function (d) { this.parentnode.insertbefore(this, this) });              }          d3cola.start(50, 100, 200).on("tick", function () {                node.each(function (d) { d.innerbounds = d.bounds.inflate(-margin); })                    .attr("x", function (d) { return d.innerbounds.x; })                      .attr("y", function (d) { return d.innerbounds.y; })                      .attr("width", function (d) {                          return d.innerbounds.width();                      })                      .attr("height", function (d) { return d.innerbounds.height(); });                    link.attr("d", function (d) {                      cola.vpsc.makeedgebetween(d, d.source.innerbounds,, 5);                      var linedata = [{ x: d.sourceintersection.x, y: d.sourceintersection.y }, { x: d.arrowstart.x, y: d.arrowstart.y }];                                            return linefunction(linedata);                  });                  if (isie()) link.each(function (d) { this.parentnode.insertbefore(this, this) });                    label                      .attr("x", function (d) { return d.x })                      .attr("y", function (d) { return d.y + (margin + pad) / 2 });                }).on("end", routeedges);            function isie() { return ((navigator.appname == 'microsoft internet explorer') || ((navigator.appname == 'netscape') && (new regexp("trident/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})").exec(navigator.useragent) != null))); }
.background {          stroke: white;          stroke-width: 1px;          fill: white;      }        .node {          stroke: black;          stroke-width: 1.5px;          cursor: move;          fill: lightcoral;      }        .link {          fill: none;          stroke: #000;          stroke-width: 3px;          opacity: 0.7;          marker-end: url(#end-arrow);      }        .label {          fill: black;          font-family: verdana;          font-size: 25px;          text-anchor: middle;          cursor: move;      }
<script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>e

i works fine. need change color of target node (rectangle) depending on 'status' attribute.

in order achieve this, create below css classes -

.finished {     fill: green; } .pending {    fill: blue; } .dormant {    fill: purple; } 

and changed

.classed("node", true) 


.style("fill", function (d) { return[d.status], true)}) 

this resulted in nodes being colored black.

can please me identify problem.

new fiddle is

var d3cola = cola.d3adaptor().convergencethreshold(0.1);    var width = 960, height = 700;    var outer ="body").append("svg")         .attr({ width: width, height: height, "pointer-events": "all" });        outer.append('rect')         .attr({ class: 'background', width: "100%", height: "100%" })         .call(d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom", function(d) {            vis.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")" + " scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");         }));    var vis = outer        .append('g')        .attr('transform', 'translate(250,250) scale(0.3)');         outer.append('svg:defs').append('svg:marker')           .attr({                  id: 'end-arrow',                  viewbox: '0 -5 10 10',                  refx: 8,                  markerwidth: 6,                  markerheight: 6,                  orient: 'auto'              })            .append('svg:path')              .attr({                  d: 'm0,-5l10,0l0,5l2,0',                  'stroke-width': '0px',                  fill: '#000'});            	     var nodes = [         { "nodes": "initiate"},  { "nodes": "update comments of requestor"},  { "nodes": "send requestor"},  { "nodes": "update comments of fa rejection"},  { "nodes": "finance approves"},  { "nodes": "update comments of fa"},  { "nodes": "update comments of rm rejection"},  { "nodes": "reporting manager approves"},  { "nodes": "update comments of rm"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on bill rm"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on bill after wf complete"},  { "nodes": "send notification requestor"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on form finance"},  { "nodes": "wf completed permissions on attachments"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on bill requestor rejected rm"},  { "nodes": "move bill tracking no folder-2"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on form requestor rejected rm"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on attachments"},  { "nodes": "set permissions-tracking no. folder"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on bill"},  { "nodes": "move bill tracking no folder-1"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on bill requestor"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on form requestor rejected fa"},  { "nodes": "set permissions on form reporting manager"},  { "nodes": "move bill tracking no folder"},  { "nodes": "wf completed permissions on form"},  { "nodes": "end"}  		];    var edges = [    { "source_name": "update comments of requestor",     "target_name": "move bill tracking no folder-1",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 1,  "target": 21},  { "source_name": "send requestor",     "target_name": "update comments of requestor",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 16,  "target": 1},  { "source_name": "update comments of fa rejection",     "target_name": "set permissions on form requestor rejected fa",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 8,  "target": 6},  { "source_name": "finance approves",     "target_name": "update comments of fa rejection",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 17,  "target": 8},  { "source_name": "update comments of fa",     "target_name": "wf completed permissions on form",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 13,  "target": 9},  { "source_name": "finance approves",     "target_name": "update comments of fa",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 17,  "target": 13},  { "source_name": "update comments of rm rejection",     "target_name": "set permissions on form requestor rejected rm",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 24,  "target": 10},  { "source_name": "reporting manager approves",     "target_name": "update comments of rm rejection",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 19,  "target": 24},  { "source_name": "update comments of rm",     "target_name": "set permissions on bill",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 11,  "target": 18},  { "source_name": "reporting manager approves",     "target_name": "update comments of rm",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 19,  "target": 11},  { "source_name": "set permissions on bill rm",     "target_name": "reporting manager approves",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 12,  "target": 19},  { "source_name": "set permissions on bill after wf complete",     "target_name": "end",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 22,  "target": 2},  { "source_name": "send notification requestor",     "target_name": "finance approves",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 23,  "target": 17},  { "source_name": "set permissions on form finance",     "target_name": "send notification requestor",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 5,  "target": 23},  { "source_name": "wf completed permissions on attachments",     "target_name": "set permissions on bill after wf complete",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 15,  "target": 22},  { "source_name": "set permissions on bill requestor rejected rm",     "target_name": "move bill tracking no folder-2",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 4,  "target": 25},  { "source_name": "move bill tracking no folder-2",     "target_name": "send requestor",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "dormant",  "source": 25,  "target": 16},  { "source_name": "set permissions on form requestor rejected rm",     "target_name": "set permissions on bill requestor rejected rm",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 10,  "target": 4},  { "source_name": "set permissions on attachments",     "target_name": "set permissions on form reporting manager",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 20,  "target": 26},  { "source_name": "set permissions-tracking no. folder",     "target_name": "set permissions on attachments",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 0,  "target": 20},  { "source_name": "initiate",     "target_name": "set permissions-tracking no. folder",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 14,  "target": 0},  { "source_name": "set permissions on bill",     "target_name": "move bill tracking no folder",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 18,  "target": 3},  { "source_name": "move bill tracking no folder-1",     "target_name": "set permissions on form reporting manager",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "finished",  "source": 21,  "target": 26},  { "source_name": "set permissions on bill requestor",     "target_name": "send requestor",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "dormant",  "source": 7,  "target": 16},  { "source_name": "set permissions on form requestor rejected fa",     "target_name": "set permissions on bill requestor",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "dormant",  "source": 6,  "target": 7},  { "source_name": "set permissions on form reporting manager",     "target_name": "set permissions on bill rm",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "pending",  "source": 26,  "target": 12},  { "source_name": "move bill tracking no folder",     "target_name": "set permissions on form finance",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "pending",  "source": 3,  "target": 5},  { "source_name": "wf completed permissions on form",     "target_name": "wf completed permissions on attachments",     "type": "approve"  ,     "status": "pending",  "source": 9,  "target": 15}    		];    	d3cola         .avoidoverlaps(true)         .convergencethreshold(1e-3)         .flowlayout('x', 150)         .size([width, height])         .nodes(nodes)         .links(edges)         .jaccardlinklengths(150);    var link = vis.selectall(".link")               .data(edges)               .enter().append("path")               .attr("class", "link");    var margin = 10, pad = 12;  var node = vis.selectall(".node")              .data(nodes)              .enter().append("rect")             // .classed("node", true)              .style("fill", function (d) { return[d.status], true)})              .attr({ rx: 5, ry: 5 })              .call(d3cola.drag);    var label = vis.selectall(".label")              .data(nodes)              .enter().append("text")              .attr("class", "label")              .text(function (d) { return d.nodes; })              .call(d3cola.drag)              .each(function (d) {                      var b = this.getbbox();                      var = 2 * margin + 2 * pad;                      d.width = b.width + extra;                      d.height = b.height + extra;               });    var linefunction = d3.svg.line()                  .x(function (d) { return d.x; })                  .y(function (d) { return d.y; })                  .interpolate("linear");    var routeedges = function () {             d3cola.prepareedgerouting();             link.attr("d", function (d) {                   return linefunction(d3cola.routeedge(d));             });                  if (isie()) link.each(function (d) { this.parentnode.insertbefore(this, this) });              }          d3cola.start(50, 100, 200).on("tick", function () {                node.each(function (d) { d.innerbounds = d.bounds.inflate(-margin); })                    .attr("x", function (d) { return d.innerbounds.x; })                      .attr("y", function (d) { return d.innerbounds.y; })                      .attr("width", function (d) {                          return d.innerbounds.width();                      })                      .attr("height", function (d) { return d.innerbounds.height(); });                    link.attr("d", function (d) {                      cola.vpsc.makeedgebetween(d, d.source.innerbounds,, 5);                      var linedata = [{ x: d.sourceintersection.x, y: d.sourceintersection.y }, { x: d.arrowstart.x, y: d.arrowstart.y }];                      return linefunction(linedata);                  });                  if (isie()) link.each(function (d) { this.parentnode.insertbefore(this, this) });                    label                      .attr("x", function (d) { return d.x })                      .attr("y", function (d) { return d.y + (margin + pad) / 2 });                }).on("end", routeedges);            function isie() { return ((navigator.appname == 'microsoft internet explorer') || ((navigator.appname == 'netscape') && (new regexp("trident/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})").exec(navigator.useragent) != null))); }
.background {          stroke: white;          stroke-width: 1px;          fill: white;      }        .node {          stroke: black;          stroke-width: 1.5px;          cursor: move;          fill: lightcoral;      }        .link {          fill: none;          stroke: #000;          stroke-width: 3px;          opacity: 0.7;          marker-end: url(#end-arrow);      }        .label {          fill: black;          font-family: verdana;          font-size: 25px;          text-anchor: middle;          cursor: move;      }    .finished {      fill: green;  }  .pending {      fill: blue;  }  .dormant {      fill: purple;  }
<script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>

if can, change data structure status part of nodes array. makes things bit easier. if can't you'll have iterate edges array find match nodes array:

var node = vis.selectall(".node")   .data(nodes)   .enter().append("rect")   .attr('class',function(d){ //<-- don't need classed, attr fine     var n = edges.length;     (var = 0; < n; i++){       if (edges[i].source_name === d.nodes){         return edges[i].status; //<-- found , return status       }     }    })   .attr({ rx: 5, ry: 5 })   .call(d3cola.drag); 

updated example.


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