c++ - 2d array pointer not apply to both dimensions -

i'm new c++ , can't seem wrap head around accessing 2d array class. attempt far i'm confused. i've tried gather online, don't understand example, why getter function returning char type, in form of pointer?

game header

class game {  public:     char (*getlevel())[28];  private:     char level[16][28]; } 


char (*game::getlevel())[28] {     return level; }  pacman->moveentity(getlevel(), pacman->getxpos(), pacman->getypos(), direction); 


void pacman::moveentity(char level, int x, int y, char dir) {      level[y][x] = ' '; } 

[y] redlined, , says expression must have pointer object type

the type of level in function signature must match type call with, in particular case char level[][28].
