Single Sign-On on Bluemix: how to retrive user profile after binding SSO service to Liberty -

i create app, , bind liberty. works fine. how user profile after user login? saw there "return-to url" in integration tab:

but after visit url, got 500 server error: error 500: srve0295e: error reported: 500

anybody can help?

i ran same issue using liberty bluemix sso service , found link extremely helpful:

the key point here user info embedded in hashtable of private credentials. not obvious @ all. if download source code included blog you'll find java class called: class extract things user name , e-mail address wssubject.

i ended providing rest interface in web app allow users authenticated using oauth access own user information.

i think 1 of reasons cryptic there hole in java oauth api standards in area wssubject class workaround provide way access information.


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