Polymer 1.0 Iron-Ajax -

i trying data via php script works in polymer 0.5. null response , no errors in polymer 1.0, below code. have tried modifying php echo no response. hresponse fire @ point request information in ajax response information null. cannot find example see have gone wrong. thanks

<iron-ajax         id="ajax"         url=""         params=""         handle-as="json"         on-response="hresponse"         debounce-duration="300"> </iron-ajax>  , script  setajax:  function(){    this.$.ajax.url = "scripts/getnotes.php";    this.$.ajax.params='{"sn":"vba056"}';    this.$.ajax.generaterequest(); }  hresponse: function(e) {       console.log(e.detail.response);       console.log(this.$.ajax.lastresponse); } 

when add this.$.ajax.params= inside script, should object. when place inside iron-ajax.html request generated, see why case. adding string. try set line this.$.ajax.params={"sn":"vba056"} , should work.

the following example works (assuming importing required elements):

<body> <my-app></my-app> <dom-module id="my-app"> <style> </style> <template>    <iron-ajax       id="ajax"       url=""       handle-as="json"       on-response="hresponse"       debounce-duration="300">   </iron-ajax>    <button on-click="setajax">click me</button>  </template> <script> polymer({   is: "my-app",   setajax: function () {     this.$.ajax.url = "http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts";     this.$.ajax.params = {"userid":"1"};     this.$.ajax.generaterequest();   },   hresponse: function(request) {     console.log(request.detail.response);     console.log(this.$.ajax.lastresponse);   } }); </script> </dom-module> </body> 


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