excel - Return the list of colored cells based on certain conditions -

i have in sheet1:

enter image description here

and in sheet2 want lookup , filter colored data, , result be:

enter image description here
goal: return list of colored cells

filtering (lookup) conditions:

1. return colored cell (copy/paste exact cell content) columns j to v from sheet1 same cell references in sheet2 . (the color filled in color)

2.for each colored cell in specified range, return cells columns e, h , and i.

3. ignore cells (whether colored or not), content equal to *na* (asterisk na asterisk).

the number of rows 10000+ number of colored cells not exceed 500.

vba code preferred, if can done formulas, acceptable.

here example sheet ease of copy pasting.


the cells colored conditional formatting rules in sheet1. grominet's answer working cells manually colored. how take account conditional formatting colors?

i suggest loop every lines, , test every columns criteria (not na , colored). if true, copy colored cell. , add header line.

here start code working, need adapt reach goal.

sub test()  dim aline long dim acolumn long dim lastlines2 long 'lastline of sheet2 dim test boolean  lastlines2 = 3  aline = 3 100    test = false    acolumn = 1 50       if acolumn > 9 , acolumn < 22           if sheets("sheet1").cells(aline, acolumn).value <> "*na*" , sheets("sheet1").cells(aline, acolumn).interior.pattern <> xlnone               sheets("sheet2").cells(lastlines2, acolumn) = sheets("sheet1").cells(aline, acolumn)               test = true           end if       end if    next acolumn    if test 'copy line heading       acolumn = 1 9         sheets("sheet2").cells(lastlines2, acolumn) = sheets("sheet1").cells(aline, acolumn)       next acolumn       lastlines2 = lastlines2 + 1    end if next aline  end sub 


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