github - How to import googlesamples/android-UniversalMusicPlayer to my android studio -

i'm newer in android , wish import this project android studio.

how it?

read this full document. explain in details step step whats need done.

step 1: install git windows

it can downloaded free

most settings available during installation process should compatible android studio. choose settings deem appropriate.

step 2: link git executable android studio

open android studio , got settings. in setting dialog open page version control / git. here define path git executable have installed.

step 3: path repository github

go github page , https path repository.

step 4: import git project android studio

go android studio , go menu / vcs / checkout version control / git enter image description here

fill in required information: username, password, url etc

now project should imported android studio , should able commit , push future changes github.


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