Zend 2 redirect() module error -

i have made checklogin fucntion check $auth->getidentity(), getting following error:

fatal error: call undefined method admin\module::redirect() in c:\xampp\websites\zend2\module\admin\module.php on line 51

how can fix this?

public function onbootstrap(mvcevent $e) {      $eventmanager        = $e->getapplication()->geteventmanager();     $moduleroutelistener = new moduleroutelistener();     $moduleroutelistener->attach($eventmanager);     $app = $e->getparam('application');     $app->geteventmanager()->attach('render', array($this, 'setlayouttitle'));      $moduleroutelistener->attach($eventmanager);      // add event     $eventmanager->attach('render', array($this, 'checklogin'));    }   public function checklogin() {        $auth = new authenticationservice();     if( $auth->getidentity() == null ){         return $this->redirect()->toroute('/admin/login');       }else{        return $this->redirect()->toroute('/admin');      } } 

that's because there no redirect method in module class.

i suggest move check in dispatch event, because dispatch event triggered before controller action dispatched.

so need change listener method setting in onbootstrap module method:

public function onbootstrap(mvcevent $e) {     // ...     $eventmanager->attach(mvcevent::event_dispatch, array($this, 'checklogin'));     // ... } 

then in listener method got mvcevent target matched controller class:

public function checklogin(mvcevent $e) {     $controller = $e->gettarget();     if ($somecondition) {         return $controller->plugin('redirect')->toroute('your/route/name');     } } 


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