c# - Change order of completion list in Visual Studio using an extension -

i trying write extension changes order of completion items in visual studio, c#. however, no matter how try, seem end in dead-end.

i have following code:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using microsoft.visualstudio.language.intellisense; using microsoft.visualstudio.text;  namespace completiontest {     internal class testcompletionsource : icompletionsource     {         private static completionset2 _completionset;          private readonly testcompletionsourceprovider _sourceprovider;         private readonly itextbuffer _textbuffer;          private bool _isdisposed;          public testcompletionsource(testcompletionsourceprovider sourceprovider, itextbuffer textbuffer)         {             _sourceprovider = sourceprovider;             _textbuffer     = textbuffer;         }          void icompletionsource.augmentcompletionsession(icompletionsession session, ilist<completionset> completionsets)         {         }          public void dispose()         {             if (!_isdisposed)             {                 gc.suppressfinalize(this);                 _isdisposed = true;             }         }     } } 

the augmentcompletionsession method called 2 times, first time completionsets parameter empty. second time, completionsets parameter filled completions visual studio generates. want reorder list, or add completion list order different , that's problems start.

i can use set provided visual studio , reorder , add completionsets parameter. see 2 lists, selectable using tabs within intellisense dropdown list. however, if select own list, , press enter insert item text view, inserts selected item of normal unordered list. can insert using mouse, kind of annoying.

does know how fix or there other way this?


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