WPF Progress bar in ListView remained empty and add new data -

i want implement progressbar insine listview:

<listview name="lvtest" itemssource="{binding personlist}" margin="308,45,268,473">     <listview.view>         <gridview>             <gridviewcolumn width="390" header="file name" displaymemberbinding="{binding name}"/>             <gridviewcolumn width="50" header="progress">                 <gridviewcolumn.celltemplate>                     <datatemplate>                         <progressbar maximum="100" value="{binding progress}"/>                     </datatemplate>                 </gridviewcolumn.celltemplate>             </gridviewcolumn>         </gridview>     </listview.view> </listview> 

my class example:

internal class mydata {     public string name { get; set; }     public int progress { get; set; } } 

and code behind:

var items = new observablecollection<mydata>();  items.add(new mydata() { name = "some", progress = 25 }); items.add(new mydata() { name = "another", progress = 91 });  lvtest.itemssource = items; 

and result: http://s12.postimg.org/3mgcwqbvh/image.png

as can see progress bar empty , can see dot inside.

here text in progressbar.

    <listview name="lvtest">         <listview.resources>             <datatemplate x:key="mydatatemplate">                 <grid margin="-6">                     <progressbar maximum="100" value="{binding progress}" width="{binding path=width, elementname=progresscell}" height="10" margin="0"/>                     <textblock text="{binding progress, stringformat={}{0}%}" horizontalalignment="center"/>                 </grid>             </datatemplate>         </listview.resources>         <listview.view>             <gridview>                 <gridviewcolumn width="390" header="file name" displaymemberbinding="{binding name}"/>                 <gridviewcolumn x:name="progresscell"  width="50" header="progress" celltemplate="{staticresource mydatatemplate}" />             </gridview>         </listview.view>     </listview> 


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