timer - Flashing mode in Android Flashlight app -

as can see i'm making flashlight android has 2 modes of flashing(first make led flashing non-stop, second make 0.5 second pause between flashes), code doesn't work. here code:

private void turnonflash() {     if (!isflashon) {         if (camera == null || params == null) {             return;         }          params = camera.getparameters();          switch(mode) {             case 1:                 params.setflashmode(parameters.flash_mode_torch);                 break;             case 2:                 timer = new countdowntimer(1000, 500) {                     @override                     public void ontick(long millisuntilfinished) {                         params.setflashmode(parameters.flash_mode_torch);                     }                      @override                     public void onfinish() {                         params.setflashmode(parameters.flash_mode_off);                     }                 };                 break;         }          camera.setparameters(params);         camera.startpreview();         isflashon = true;          playsound();         togglebuttonimage();     } } 

and here method in mode detected

tvmode.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {          @override         public void onclick(view v) {             switch(mode) {                 case 1:                     mode = 2;                     tvmode.settext("2");                     if(isflashon) {                         turnoffflash();                         turnonflash();                     }                     break;                 case 2:                     mode = 1;                     tvmode.settext("1");                     if(isflashon) {                         turnoffflash();                         turnonflash();                     }                     break;             }         }     }); } 

problem solved. forgot put .start(); on end of countdowntimer.


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