windows - Python on Notepad++ : How to pass command line arguments? -

"valueerror: need more 1 value unpack - learn python hard way ex: 13"

this problem has been discussed lot of times on forum. there way pass on arguments in notepad++ editor itself?

writing code in notepad++ editor , executing on python's default environment after providing arguments should make work - can directly pass arguments notepad++?

p.s - started python - no prior knowledge.

passing command line arguments can done on command line itself.

or can call via python program using os.system execute command line arguments.

os.system : execute command (a string) in subshell. implemented calling standard c function system(), , has same limitations

import os os.system(" variable_number_of_arguements" 

you use call subprocess:

from subprocess import call call(["", "arg1", "arg2"]) 


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