angularjs - MVC with Angular -

i bit confused.

as contractor out technologies should learn make me more marketable.

i mvc web developer.

i have noticed angular.js seems listed wanted skill in job adverts alongside mvc skills.

looking @ angular not seem difficult learn.

however, there seem clash angular's ajax calls , mvc's web api.

so, can these 2 technologies co-exist in same web app? best way drop razor , angular's ajax calls , use web api?

i have been searching on time , still cannot definitive answer..


think of angular app disconnected backend android or ios app be. if you're doing right entire angular app static, no server side templating (a nice side effect of angular app can pushed cdn). if have traditional server side templating background can tempting "double templating" (server side , client side templating) in angular app. don't it. web server exposes web services , that's it. angular app uses web services.


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