r - evaluate function in shiny and print values -
suppose have function takes input returns data frame 2 values. want render following text: value 1 df1$value1
, , value 2 df1$value2
. there way of doing this?
this code have right now:
## app.r ## library(shinydashboard) ui <- dashboardpage( dashboardheader(title = "basic dashboard"), dashboardsidebar(), dashboardbody( # boxes need put in row (or column) fluidrow( box(rendertext(paste('value 1 is', "df1$value1"))), box( title = "controls", sliderinput("slider", "x:", 1, 100, 50) ) ) ) ) my.func <- function(x){ df1 = data.frame(value1=x*x, value2=sqrt(x)) return(df1) } server <- function(input, output) { output$df1 <- rendertable({ my.func(input$slider) }) } shinyapp(ui, server)
you can prepare output inside server function this:
server <- function(input, output) { output$df1 <- renderui({ df <- my.func(input$slider) lapply( 1:ncol(df), function(i) { force(i) p(paste("value", i, "is", df[, i])) } ) }) }
and bind in inside ui function using uioutput('df1')
alternatively can use observe
block , assign specific values output in loop:
observe({ df <- my.func(input$slider) (i in 1:ncol(df)) { output[[paste0('value', i)]] <- rendertext({ df[, i] }) } })
then can use textoutput
in ui textoutput('value1')
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