Exit Spring Integration when no more messages -

i'm using spring integration (4.1) config retrieve message db batch more service. know i'll have dozen of messages process daily, , therefore need run batch once day.

my jdbc:inbound-channel-adapter configured retrieve max-rows-per-poll="1". i'd notified in way when there no more messages, can exit batch, have issues finding "plug". tried interceptor remembers when last message went through + scheduled task retrieves timestamp , checks if it's more configured timeout, felt cumbersome , tried aop instead, feels better solution.

i'd intercept call abstractpollingendpoint.dopoll() returns false when there's no message i'm not able find way : tried subclassing abstractrequesthandleradvice doesn't work when applied on poller (it tells me in logs). i'm trying implement methodinterceptor , configure below, , see can intercept call "call" method, i'm not sure it's right way

<int:poller default="true" trigger="periodictriggerwithinitialdelay">     <int:advice-chain>                   <bean class="com.mybatch.nomoremessagenotifieradvice" />         <ref bean="txadvice"/>     </int:advice-chain> </int:poller> 

isn't there easier way ? main difficulty, stated here http://forum.spring.io/forum/spring-projects/integration/127410-poller-with-advice-chain , @ stage, don't have message work on.



looks close answer actually.. since have access result of call method, need throw exception if result false, along xml config question :

public class nomoremessagenotifieradvice implements methodinterceptor {

@override public object invoke(methodinvocation invocation) throws throwable {      object result=invocation.proceed();      if(result instanceof boolean){          boolean haspolledamessage=(boolean)result;          if(haspolledamessage){             return true;         }         else{             throw new stopbatchexception("no message received on latest poll -> throwing exception exit");         }            }      return result; } 



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