jquery - How to display image from image browser in telerik editor -

i have customized telerik editor shown in image. want display clicked image in div showing in black box.

so how can display clicked image in black box.

this customize telerik editor how can display clicked image image browser in black box showing in right side.

this li tag

<li data-type="f" data-uid="7ac480cd-8d8c-4a34-80b3-58b3b48467c9" class="k-tile k-state-selected" role="option" aria-selected="true">   <div class="k-thumb">     <img alt="1.jpg" style="" src="imagebrowser/thumbnail?path=1.jpg" class="k-image">   </div>   <strong>1.jpg</strong> <span class="k-filesize">206.97 kb</span>  </li>  

and have applied jquery image source li element.

 $(document).ready(function () {     $('li.k-state-selected').live("click", function () {        var src = $(this).find("img").attr("src"); alert(src);     });   });" 


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