python - Installing github version of package with Anaconda -

i have sympy installed anaconda, version (of sympy) 0.7.6 .

i want able use git version of sympy. know how can tell anaconda substitute 2 versions ?

i've tried using git clone command, sympy folder git , anaconda doesn't same @ all, can't replace 1 another.

git clone git:// 

is there command : "conda update-git sympy" ?

i found answer, didn't understand how it.

possible "conda build" github branch?

update: i've used following command , worked

python develop 

in sympy directory.

thanks @asmeurer

my previous answer based on long time ago experiance correct proccess (that worked me based on latest anaconda on windows machine)

i have updated meta.yaml following changes: changing source git including mpmath in build run , test removing libraries of sympy seemed have been removed latest version

i have files in following gist

hope helps


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