IBM MobileFirst 7.0 Server : No runtime environment deployed in this server -

successfully installed ibm mobilefirst 7.0 server on following environment, , also, runtime environment created step step , deployed successfully in server (with gui of mobilefirst platform configurion tool shows deployed):

  • centos 6.4
  • mobilefirst server 7.0
  • jdk-7u79
  • mysql 5.6.24
  • apache tomcat 7.0.62

but got no runtime environment deployed in server worklightconsole.

i can't find logs show error messages. also,the wl related tables created automatically in mysql databases , worklight related folder generated in tomcat path, too.

no runtime environment deployed in server database connected , table generated successfully tomcat configure

the gui of mobilefirst platform configurion tool shows deployed: *gui* of mobilefirst platform configurion tool shows **deployed**

the cause failure may due ssoexpiredlogincontextscleanuptask error can cause server not load:

caused by: org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.reportingsqlexception: cannot execute statement: impossible write binary log since binlog_format = statement , @ least 1 table uses storage engine limited row-based logging. innodb limited row-logging when transaction isolation level read committed or read uncommitted. {prepstmnt 1015602967 insert cluster_sync (id, hostvmid, updatetimestamp, version) values (?, ?, ?, ?) [params=(string) ssoexpiredlogincontextscleanuptask, (null) null, (long) 0, (long) 0]} [code=1665, state=hy000]

to correct it, suggested follow these instructions:, relevant mfp server (and not application center server).


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