java - Parsing complex nested JSON data with Gson -

i'm using gson parse json string. want convert object using container class , embedded static classes. extent has been possible, want treat content of stuff1 , stuff2 arrays, example, stuff1 array containing other_stuff1 , other_stuff2. can reference object in fashion these: object.integer, object.stuff1.get("other_stuff1").name, or object.stuff2.get("other_stuff3").more. (for last one, interested in looping on more each item.

for example, in php, use this:

<?php     echo "<pre>";     $object = json_decode(file_get_contents("the json filename"));     foreach($object->stuff1 $name=>$data) {         echo $name . ":\n"; // other_stuff1 or other_stuff2         echo $unlockable->description . "\n\n"; // got lots of stuff or got more stuff.     } ?> 

i want able reference in similar way, loading json object used on fly.

it crucial that, while degree of change can made json, names of elements remain , referable , retrievable.

i've included json, similar 1 i'm using, below.

{     "integer":"12345",     "stuff1":{         "other_stuff1":{             "name":"a_name",             "description":"got lots of stuff.",             "boolean":false         },         "other_stuff2":{             "name":"another_name",             "description":"got more stuff",             "boolean":true         }     },     "stuff2":{         "other_stuff3":{             "name":"a_name",             "description":"got more stuff",             "boolean":false,             "more":{                 "option1":{                     "name":"hello"                 },                 "option2":{                     "name":"goodbye"                 }             }         },     } } 

i've gone through number of reference guides , tutorials, , can't find way interpret way i'm trying to.

i'd appreciate if give me pointer. can't find tutorials take account a) want multiple objects in array-style list, referable ids (like other_stuff1 , other_stuff2), , b) want able loop on items without providing ids.

you should define java class fields named after keys need. can use maps (not arrays) .get("key") behavior describe. example:

class container {   private final int integer;   private final hashmap<string, stuff> stuff1;   private final hashmap<string, stuff> stuff2; }  class stuff {   private final string name;   private final string description;   @serializedname("boolean") private final boolean bool;   private final hashmap<string, option> more; }  class option {   private final string name; } 

for "boolean" field need need use different variable name since boolean reserved keyword.

you can do:

container c = gson.fromjson(jsonstring, container.class); for(stuff s : c.getstuff1().values()) {   system.out.println(s.getname()); } 


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